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Do No Harm: Waking Up to Your Implicit Bias [Cantonese] 不傷害:覺醒你的潛在偏見

October 17 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


This “Do No Harm – Your Implicit Bias” provided the opportunity for early care educators come to understand and reflect their personal and professional experiences. We let the participants feel safe to talk about their own bias and the racism. We give strategizes and tools on how they support children in their program.

這個『不傷害 – 你的潛在偏見』活動給予早期教育工作者一個機會,讓他們理解和反思自己的個人和專業經歷。我們讓參加者感到安全,談論自己的偏見和種族主義。我們提供策略和工具,幫助他們在自己的課程中支持孩子。