Event Series Preschool Development Series

Preschool Development Series

Online Event: Zoom

Preschool Development Series This two-part online series addresses development during the preschool years and meets the Early Learning San Francisco requirement for six hours of professional development on child development/learning foundations (0–5 years, preschool development). FACILITATOR Crystal Coleman DATES Apr. 13 & Apr. 20, 2024 TIME 9:30 am–12:30 pm LOCATION Zoom (link will be emailed […]

Event Series Preschool Development Series

Preschool Development Series

Online Event: Zoom

Preschool Development Series This two-part online series addresses development during the preschool years and meets the Early Learning San Francisco requirement for six hours of professional development on child development/learning foundations (0–5 years, preschool development). FACILITATOR Crystal Coleman DATES Apr. 13 & Apr. 20, 2024 TIME 9:30 am–12:30 pm LOCATION Zoom (link will be emailed […]

概覽「教師評估評分系統」(CLASS):学步的儿童 (Toddler) – CANTONESE

Online Event: Zoom

這個由2堂課組成的系列將概述学步的儿童(toddler) 的CLASS以及這些工具如何相互建立在彼此的基礎上在早期照顧及教育場所有多種不同年齡註冊的情況。 Registration link: https://bit.ly/ToddlerCLASSS25-CAN. Registration closes: 02/25/25

概覽「教師評估評分系統」(CLASS):学步的儿童 (Toddler) – CANTONESE

Online Event: Zoom

這個由2堂課組成的系列將概述学步的儿童(toddler) 的CLASS以及這些工具如何相互建立在彼此的基礎上在早期照顧及教育場所有多種不同年齡註冊的情況。 Registration link: https://bit.ly/ToddlerCLASSS25-CAN. Registration closes: 02/25/25

PITC Curriculum “Info Session”

Online Event: Zoom

This overview webinar will introduce the PITC Curriculum, its components, and how its approach supports the efforts of family childcare and center-based care teachers to facilitate the development and learning of infants and toddlers. It will also highlight how the PITC Curriculum is designed to promote professional learning that helps care teachers deepen their own […]


Online Event: Zoom

Este seminario web de descripción general presentará el plan de estudios de PITC, sus componentes y cómo su enfoque apoya los esfuerzos de los maestros de cuidado infantil familiar y de centro para facilitar el desarrollo y el aprendizaje de bebés y niños pequeños. También destacará cómo el plan de estudios de PITC está diseñado […]