Desde balbucear, a hablar, hasta aprender:Iniciando con la alfabetización con bebés, niños pequeños y preescolares Comunidad de aprendizaje profesional (PLC)

Online Event: Zoom

Desde balbucear, a hablar, hasta aprender: Iniciando con la alfabetización con bebés, niños pequeños y preescolares 2024 - 2025 "Las palabras nos dan la capacidad de comunicarnos a través de los límites del tiempo y el espacio que generalmente separan una mente de otra. El poeta griego Aristófanes escribió:" Con las palabras, la mente tiene […]

[ENGLISH] From Babbling to Talking Leaping into Literacy with: Infant, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Online Event: Zoom

Virtual Five-Part Professional Learning Community (PLC) You are welcome to join us in transforming classrooms into language-rich environments where all languages ​​are celebrated and where children are given multiple opportunities to explore ways to use language and understand the world of reading. Please come and share with others how you are partnering with families so […]

Event Series Block Play Bonanza

Block Play Bonanza

Nihonmachi Little Friends, 1830 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA, 94115 1830 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Unit blocks were created in the early 1900’s and are still one of children’s favorite materials. Why has such simple materials been able to hold children’s attention and focus even in the age of screens, legos and other modern toys? What opportunities and possibilities do blocks offer children and teachers? This two-part workshop will explore […]

Descubriendo la Alegria Negra En los Espacios de Educación Temprana de ECE

Online Event: Zoom

 Comprender y responder a los problemas de racismo e injusticia en los programas de ECE.  Comprender la urgencia de apoyar y animar a los niños negros en entornos de ECE.  Conectar y relacionarse con las familias negras de maneras significativas y de apoyo.  Interrumpir el “estatus-entre comillas” para apoyar el aprendizaje/desarrollo de los niños […]

CA Teaching Pyramid for New Teachers

730 Harrison Street 5th Floor Board Room - Garden View, San Francisco, CA

What is the Teaching Pyramid? The Teaching Pyramid is a comprehensive approach designed to help educators promote social-emotional competence, address challenging behaviors in young children, and develop safe and nurturing group environments for all children. This training series – Modules 1A, 1B & 2 are intended for new teachers and other support staff (including regular […]


Online Event: Zoom


Todo sobre el currículo para proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar: Comunidad de Aprendizaje Profesional

Online Event: Zoom

Aproveche el aprendizaje y la experiencia de la capacitación para profundizar la comprensión del plan de estudios e interactuar con colegas en un entorno de aprendizaje compartido para explorar la implementación, compartir nuevas ideas y resolver problemas. Los participantes del PLC recibirán un libro de recursos de aprendizaje para apoyar la comprensión e incluirán oportunidades […]

Event Series Block Play Bonanza

Block Play Bonanza

Nihonmachi Little Friends, 1830 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA, 94115 1830 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Unit blocks were created in the early 1900’s and are still one of children’s favorite materials. Why has such simple materials been able to hold children’s attention and focus even in the age of screens, legos and other modern toys? What opportunities and possibilities do blocks offer children and teachers? This two-part workshop will explore […]