Professional Development Advisement

The San Francisco Department of Early Childhood is excited to announce that we are now offering free Individual and Group Advising for early educators!  

Since launching our Workforce Compensation Initiative, we have heard lots of feedback from educators about the need for additional multilingual professional development advisement for the field, especially on evenings and weekends.  

In response to this feedback, we are partnering with the California Early Care & Education Workforce Registry to offer free advisement services to any interested San Francisco early childhood educator.  

Please note: This program is time-limited and scheduled to conclude in June 2025. Based on demand for these services between now and June 2025, we will assess if and how to continue offering advisement support. So don’t wait, take advantage now!

What to expect from our advising program:

Our advisors are professionals with extensive experience in navigating the early care and education field across various child development settings.  Advising sessions will help you plan your professional development goals and how to achieve them including obtaining units, Child Development Permits, and/or degrees.  

Each month between now and June 2025, we will post information about upcoming group sessions that cover common advising topics. You can also always sign up for an individual advising session. Learn more and sign up for a session below!

Upcoming Advising Sessions

Open Advisement

In this 60-minute session, participants will have an opportunity to meet with a Professional Development Advisor to ask questions, request advisement on their topics of interest, or request resources pertaining to short or long-term goals and network with other ECE professionals.

Professional Growth Plan: Supporting Career and College Pathways

In this 60-minute session participants will examine the meaning and purpose of developing and maintaining a professional growth plan to monitor their professional and/or educational goals. Participants will examine the development of SMART goals and intentional planning of activities to support meeting goals identified.

Professional Development Resources and Supports:

In this 60-minute session, participants will explore ways to search for professional development opportunities on topic areas related to early childhood education. Explore the use of the CA Early Care & Education (ECE) Workforce Registry to find PD opportunities as well as other resources for searching. 

Navigating Higher Education

In this 60-minute session, participants will explore how to navigate a college/university webpage to find specific department information. Participants will examine the structure of a college/university class schedule and how to find important course information and the importance of planning and meeting with an academic advisor.

Exploring the Child Development Permit and Process

In this 60-minute session, participants will explore key requirements for the application process of the Child Development Permit. Participants will examine the CD Permit Matrix and be able to identify short or long-term goals related to obtaining, renewing, or upgrading a permit.

Resume and Interview Resources and Tips

In this 60-minute session, participants will explore ideas on developing a professional resume and discuss interview tips for preparing for a job in an early childhood setting. Participants will also explore resources for job searching.

Individual Advisement Appointments

Meet one-on-one with an advisor to discuss your individual professional development goals and planning. 

45-minute sessions are available throughout the coming months, including on evenings and weekends. After you click the link below, you will be directed to a calendar of available dates and times.  

Help us Spread the Word!

Download a printable flyer about our Professional Development Advising opportunities to post at your program!


For any questions, please email: [email protected]