Introduction to ASQ-3 & ASQ SE-2 webinars in English
Join us for the Introduction to ASQ-3 and ASQ SE-2 trainings, each as a series of 4 webinars in English. These webinars are in English and we will be offering […]
Join us for the Introduction to ASQ-3 and ASQ SE-2 trainings, each as a series of 4 webinars in English. These webinars are in English and we will be offering […]
Research shows that educators can transform their practice if given the opportunity to reflect with each other. Professional Learning Communities, also known as Communities of Practice and Critical Friends’ Groups, […]
Join us for the Introduction to ASQ-3 and ASQ SE-2 trainings, each as a series of 4 webinars in English. These webinars are in English and we will be offering […]
從牙牙學語到講話,再到學習: 帶領嬰兒、幼兒和學前兒童一起讀寫識字 「文字使我們有跨越時間和空間的界限進行溝通的能力,而這種能力通常也是區分人們的思維之處。 希臘詩人 Aristophanes 曾寫道:「用文字,給我的思維插上翅膀。」 摘自 Daniel Seigel 的 「Parenting From The Inside Out」 作為教育工作者,我們被賦予超級力量:借助我們的語言、歌曲、故事,以及我們對兒童的真心興趣,我們可以支持兒童的先天能力來發展複雜的語言。 隨著我們慢慢引領兒童走入印刷品世界,我們開始他們的第一步,了解印刷品如何記錄他們的語言和他人的話語以幫助他們打下初期基礎。 歡迎您加入我們的行列一起將教室變為語言豐富的環境,在那裡慶祝所有語言,並為兒童提供多種探索使用語言的方式的機會,和理解「閱讀」的世界。 請來參予與他人分享您如何與家庭建立夥伴的關係,使他們也能意識到自己的談話、唱歌和分享故事,也是在將語言天賦傳授給他們的孩子。 您將支持他們在語言和讀寫方面創造無限的機會。 我們一起將會: 瞭解語言習得的過程。 發掘適合發展的方式來鼓勵實踐語言讀寫能力。 分享支持嬰兒、幼兒和學前兒童的口頭語言發展的策略。 研究家中讀寫發展策略的實例 — […]
Title: Teaching Pyramid New Teacher’s Training- Preschool Date: Starting October 11th from 8:30 AM-12:00 PM Facilitators: Elia Dominguez & Vivian Ratkewicz What is the Teaching Pyramid? The Teaching Pyramid is […]
Would you like to support children in becoming critical thinkers, empathetic observers, and stewards of our planet? Join us for our monthly, in-depth, Professional Learning Community (PLC) sessions where we […]
Professionals who commit to the Foundations of Inclusion Cohort will receive a series of trainings focused on inclusion and the laws that protect children and their students, partnering with families, […]
Objectives: 1. Understanding and responding to issues of racism and injustice in ECE programs. 2. Understand the urgency to support and uplift Black children in ECE settings. 3. Connecting and […]
Professionals who commit to the Foundations of Inclusion Cohort will receive a series of trainings focused on inclusion and the laws that protect children and their students, partnering with families, […]
Todos los humanos tienen la extraordinaria capacidad de aprender a hablar muchos idiomas. ¡Ven a aprender más sobre cómo tú, como educador de la primera infancia, puedes apoyar a los […]