Math Learning Through Play: A Training Series & Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Online Event: Zoom

This new training series and PLC is designed for Early Childhood Education (ECE) educators seeking to enhance their math teaching practices for young children. Through hands-on activities, group discussions, and shared experiences, participants will explore innovative strategies to integrate math into daily routines and use unusual materials to foster mathematical thinking. This professional development opportunity […]

Inquiry & Project-Based Learning For educators of young children Leadership Community of Practice (CoP)

Online Event: Zoom

  Strengthen leadership skills and capacity to support your program's implementation. This CoP will provide content and discussions about inquiry and project-based learning in early education programs. We will also focus on essential leadership skills through a reflective, shared-learning process. Participants will come together to share ideas, strategies, challenges, and successes. Participants will receive 2 […]

Uncovering Black Joy in ECE Settings: Honoring Black Children in ECE Settings PLC [English]

Online Event: Zoom

Objectives: 1. Understanding and responding to issues of racism and injustice in ECE programs. 2. Understand the urgency to support and uplift Black children in ECE settings. 3. Connecting and relating to Black families in meaningful, supportive ways. 4. Disrupting the “Status Quo” to support the learning/development for Black children. 5. Understanding biases, reflecting on […]

Descubriendo la Alegria Negra En los Espacios de Educación Temprana de ECE Comunidad de Aprendizaje Profesional (PLC)

Online Event: Zoom

Spanish PLC Esta Comunidad de Aprendizaje Profesional (PLC) es parte de la capacitación 'Descubriendo la Alegría Negra en los Espacios de Educación Temprana de ECE Beatrice Gibson and  Zoila Cartagena

Toddler Interactions: Engaged Support for Learning

Online Event: Zoom

Over three sessions, we will use the CLASS tool to: 1. Deepen your expertise in creating engaging, supportive learning experiences for toddlers. 2. Discover how these approaches can elevate teacher-child interactions. 3. Learn practical strategies to: Foster curiosity, Enhance communication and build trust, Contribute to a nurturing environment where toddlers thrive. Remember, you must attend […]

Desde balbucear, a hablar, hasta aprender:Iniciando con la alfabetización con bebés, niños pequeños y preescolares

Online Event: Zoom

Desde balbucear, a hablar, hasta aprender: Iniciando con la alfabetización con bebés, niños pequeños y preescolares 2024 - 2025 "Las palabras nos dan la capacidad de comunicarnos a través de los límites del tiempo y el espacio que generalmente separan una mente de otra. El poeta griego Aristófanes escribió:" Con las palabras, la mente tiene […]


Online Event: Zoom

Flyer for Trainings - Option 3_Multi Session (1).pdf (3) Todos los seres humanos tienen la extraordinaria capacidad de aprender a hablar muchos idiomas. ¡Ven a aprender más sobre cómo, como educador/a de la primera infancia, puedes apoyar a los niños y sus familias en su proceso de adquirir uno, dos o más idiomas! Los participantes: […]

Infant/Toddler Development Series-嬰幼兒發展系列

WestEd 730 Harrison Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA, United States

chinese itd 2025 這個系列涉及從出生到 36 個月大的發展,並滿足 SF 全民早期學習關於兒童發展/學習基礎(0-5 歲,嬰兒/幼兒發展)的六小時專業發展的要求。 該系列將以廣東話授課,參與者必須參加兩個部分。 日期 2025年1月4日及2月1日 時間 9 am–12 pm 地點 WestEd 730 Harrison Street, SF Boardroom (5th Floor)

Uncovering Black Joy 瞭解我們 – 黑人的喜悅

Online Event: Zoom

Understanding and responding to issues of racism and injustice in ECE programs. Understanding biases, reflecting on upbringing/experiences, connecting and relating to Black families in meaningful, supportive ways. 了解並應對在兒童早期教育計劃中的種族主義和不公平待遇的問題。了解偏見,反思成長的經歷,以有意義、支持性的方式與黑人家庭建立聯繫。   Facilitator: Irene Chan. Co-facilitator: Melva Bosley

Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Info Session – English

Online Event: Zoom

The Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) information session will help family child care providers in San Francisco understand the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) survey and provide the tools and resources needed to complete the form before the February 1, 2025 due date. Come and learn about: Early Learning for All (ELFA) Quality Standards Quality Improvement Plan […]