學步兒童互動:參與式學習支持 -Toddler Interactions: Engaged Support for Learning

Online Event: Zoom

在三個課程中,我們將使用CLASS工具來: 1. 提升您在為學步兒童設計有趣且具支持性的學習經驗方面的專業能力。 2. 探索這些方法如何提升師生互動。 3. 學習實用策略,以: 培養好奇心, 增強溝通能力,和 建立信任。 為學步兒童提供一個茁壯成長的關懷環境。 請記住,您必須參加所有三個課程才能獲得專業成長時數。 學步兒童互動:參與式學習支持 Toddler Interactions Engaged Support for Learning

Math Learning Through Play: A Training Series

Online Event: Zoom

This new training series and PLC is designed for Early Childhood Education (ECE) educators seeking to enhance their math teaching practices for young children. Through hands-on activities, group discussions, and shared experiences, participants will explore innovative strategies to integrate math into daily routines and use unusual materials to foster mathematical thinking. This professional development opportunity […]

不傷害: 醒來! 我們的偏⾒ [Do No Harm- Cantonese]

Online Event: Zoom

Spring 2025 Cantonese 1, 了解內隱偏見及它如何影响工作環境內的兒童,家庭和員工。1. Understand implicit bias and how it impacts children, families, and employees within the work environment. 2, 學習一些工具,策略來幫助减輕內隱偏見對工作環境內的兒童,家庭和員工的影响。2. Learn tools and strategies to help mitigate the impact of implicit bias on children, families, and employees in the work environment. 3, 了解當您在周圍的工作環境中發現內隱偏見時可以採取哪些方法來挑戰它。3. Understand what you can do to challenge implicit bias when […]

Todo ECE PLC- Comunidad De Aprendizaje

Online Event: Zoom

  Todo ECE PLC se reúne mensualmente para el desarrollo profesional y estámos diseñados exclusivamente para educadores de cuidado infantil familiar. Venga a conocer a sus compañeros con el objetivo común de fortalecer la calidad del cuidado infantil, desarrollar el conocimiento y la capacidad de ECE que beneficia directamente a los niños y las familias […]

全部早期教育有關的 專業社區學習群組(Everything ECE PLC)

Online Event: Zoom

  2425 CHI 全部早期教育有關的專業社區學習群組(Everything ECE PLC) 每月按語言組舉行專業發展會議,專為家庭托兒教育工作者設計。我們的共同目標是加強優質托兒服務,提高知識和能力,使舊金山的兒童和家庭直接受益。專業社區學習群組可為您做什麼? -與同行交換和接收資源 -討論早期教育計劃的成功經驗或困境 -解讀與質量改進計劃相關的問題 -專業發展時數、與人交流等等! ZOOM鏈接: https://wuyee-org.zoom.us/j/84496341172 ZOOM ID: 844 9634 1172 Emily Wen

Building Bridges: Navigating Inclusivity and Acceptance for Children with Limb Differences

South of Market Transbay Child Care Center 220 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

This workshop is designed to educate and empower preschool teachers to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for children with limb differences. Through a combination of an informative session, hands-on activities, and reflective discussions, teachers will gain a deeper understanding of limb differences, how they impact children's development and daily experiences, and how […]

Inquiry & Project-Based Learning For educators of young children A three-part Saturday learning series [English]

Online Event: Zoom

Three-part introductory series designed to support early educators to: Build awareness, knowledge, and strategies in inquiry and project-based learning (PBL). Develop skills to create and design inclusive, long-term investigations and provocations throughout the year. Develop strategies to create documentation that includes and makes visible the CA Preschool Learning Foundations; DRDP measures; CLASS domains; and diversity, […]

Aprendizaje basado en proyectos e investigación Para educadores de niños pequeños Una serie de aprendizaje de tres partes para los sábados

Online Event: Zoom

Serie introductoria de tres partes diseñada para ayudar a los educadores de la primera infancia a: Desarrollar conciencia, conocimiento y estrategias en la investigación y el aprendizaje basado en proyectos (PBL). Desarrollar habilidades para crear y diseñar investigaciones y provocaciones inclusivas y a largo plazo a lo largo del año. Desarrollar estrategias para crear documentación […]

Understanding Intersectionality Mini Conference 2025

City College Ocean Campus 50 Phelan Ave, United States

Join us for an exhilarating day packed with dynamic guest speakers and transformative trainers, as we delve into the many ways we intersect with others. Explore the unique perspectives that shape our world and uncover the systemic oppressions and privileges embedded in society. Share your stories and journey into empathy and appreciation for diverse experiences […]