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April 29, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

As educators we are given a superpower: with our words, our songs, our stories, and our genuine interest in children, we can support children’s innate ability to develop complex language.  And, as we slowly introduce the children to the world of print, we launch them into their first steps to understand how print can memorialize their words and the words of others. Come join us in transforming our classrooms in language rich environments, where all languages are celebrated, and where children are given many opportunities to explore ways to use language to understand and “read” the world. Come share with others how you form partnerships with families, so they too become aware of the linguistic gifts they are giving their children as they talk, sing, and share stories.

Together we will:

●         Learn about the process of language acquisition.

●         Discover developmentally appropriate ways to encourage literacy practices.

●         Share strategies to support oral language development with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

●         Study examples of strategies for literacy development at home.

●         Discuss ways to engage children in meaningful conversations.

●         Talk about the relationship between play and learning.

●         Consider our own use of language and its impact on children.

●         Uncover innovative ways to support literacy development in ECE environments.

●         Review current ECE tools (such as CA Foundations, DRDP, the CA Curriculum Framework, CLASS etc.) as they relate to language and literacy in the early years.

●         Brainstorm strategies to engage families in supporting language and literacy at home.

●         Participate in Professional Learning Communities, where you will learn from other educators, and study documentation from different classrooms.

Training Dates: Saturdays; January 27th, February 17th, and March 2nd
Time: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
PLCs Dates: Mondays; March 18th, April 29th, and May 13th
Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM