The SEEPD Application Period is Now Closed.

Pilot Program: Stipend for Early Educator Professional Development (SEEPD) 

What is SEEPD?

The Stipend for Early Educator Professional Development (SEEPD) is a pilot* program of the Department of Early Childhood’s Workforce Compensation Initiative designed to support educators working at City-funded early care and education programs with meeting professional development and higher education milestones through financial incentives. SEEPD stipends will be based on the following milestones completed between July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 : 

  • Obtaining, upgrading, or maintaining Child Development Permits;
  • Completing course-based specialization certificate programs in Infant-Toddler care, Special Education, Dual Language Learning, and/or Nature-Based Education;
  • Completing college- and/or graduate-level coursework at a nationally accredited institution towards an AA, BA, or MA in early childhood/child development or towards a Child Development Permit
  • Completing an AA, BA, or MA degree in early childhood/child development at a nationally accredited institution.


*A pilot program is a short-term test that helps an organization gather necessary data and insights before making long-term investments or commitments. The SEEPD pilot will help DEC better understand your professional development costs and needs so we can determine how best to support you going forward. As such, professional development support programming is likely to evolve over time and future rounds of SEEPD are not guaranteed. 

Who is eligible?

In order to apply for SEEPD you must:

  • Be employed at a DEC-funded Early Learning For All site
  • Be a participant in Spring 2024 CARES 3.0 or EESSG Phase 1
  • Have a California Workforce Registry ID associated with an up-to-date Registry profile

Stipend Amounts

The stipend matrix linked below, details the amounts we are offering for different professional development and coursework completed between July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. To determine your stipend amount, add up the amounts for the activities you completed (or will complete by June 30th) under each column. 

Stipend Amounts Matrix


Here are a few examples to help you understand the matrix so you can determine your stipend amount: 

Teacher A got their Associate Teacher Permit for the first time in October 2023 ($1500), completed 9 semester units at an accredited college between July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 ($4,000), and earned their Associate’s degree in May 2024 ($5,000). They did not complete any Certificate programs or get any Foreign Transcript Evaluation Support ($0). Teacher A is eligible for a total stipend of $10,500. 

Teacher B is a Site Supervisor who renewed their existing Child Development Permit in February, 2024 ($2,000). They did not complete any semester or semester equivalent units between July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 ($0). They completed their bachelor’s degree in child development five years ago ($0 – because they completed their degree before the period of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 it will not count towards their SEEPD stipend). They did complete any course-based specialization certificates or get any Foreign Transcript Evaluation Support ($0). Teacher B is eligible for a total stipend of $2,000.

Teacher C does not have a CA Child Development Permit ($0). They completed 3 semester units at an accredited college between July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 ($2,000) but have not yet earned any degree ($0). However, they  did  complete a course-based specialization certificate in Infant-Toddler education ($1500). They also received foreign transcript evaluation support to help them transfer units from a school in Hong Kong to their current school in the United States ($600). Teacher C is eligible for $4,100. 

How to Apply

Guide for Applying to SEEPD 

The guide linked below explains the step-by-step process to apply for SEEPD using the CA ECE Workforce Registry. Please note: You will be required to upload the following documentation to your CA ECE Workforce Registry Account before the application deadline if you have not already done so: 

  • Signed W9 
  • Child Development Permit history – verification of new or upgraded Permit status  
  • Transcript(s) from nationally accredited higher education institution(s) (Unofficial  transcripts with applicant name and name of institution are acceptable). 
  • If applying for Foreign Transcript Evaluation Support: evaluation and receipt with participant’s first and last name   

Your processing time may be delayed if your documents are blurry or if the registry has follow up questions.  

Guide for Applying to SEEPD

Stipend Process / Timeline

Application Period: June 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024   

  • Login to the CA ECE Workforce Registry and submit a SEEPD Application (Please take time to review the application guide for step-by-step instructions) 
  • After the application is submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to the applicant (if you do not receive this email, please reach out to the SEEPD team at 
  • A SEEPD team member will review the application information including employment, verified documents on file, and program eligibility 
  • All required documentation must be uploaded to the CA Workforce Registry no later than June 30, 2024. NOTE: Transcript/coursework verification takes up to 6 weeks 


Initial Review Period: July 1 – August 13, 2024 

  • An approval or denial email with a projection of your stipend amount will be sent after the application period closes.  
  • If approved, we will verify that all W-9 information is on file, matches the registry information, and will send an approval email with your projected stipend amount within two weeks of the closed application period 


Appeals Submission Period: August 14, 2024 – August 21, 2024  

  • Applicants will have an opportunity to appeal if they believe their stipend projection amount to be incorrect.  
  • Applicants will be notified by email with their projected stipend amount instructions to submit an appeal. The appeal will be an electronic submission.  


Appeals Review and Determination Process: August 22, 2024 – September 2, 2024

  • DEC will review all appeals and notify applicants by email for final approval or denial by September 2, 2024. 


Stipend Disbursement: Fall, 2024  

  • Stipends will be issued on or before October 30, 2024. Once the stipend check is printed and sent, we will send an email notifying the applicant that their check is on the way. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will any degree count towards my stipend amount ?  

Only AA, BA, or MA degrees in early childhood or child development completed at a nationally accredited institution during FY 2023-24 are eligible.   

Will any course-work count towards my stipend amount? 

Only Semester or Semester-equivalent units at a nationally accredited institution will be eligible. These units can be in any subject, but should be part of achieving a professional development milestone in early childhood or child development including AA, BA, or MA in early childhood/child development or a Child Development Permit.  

Will I be taxed?  

Yes, you will be issued a 1099-MISC tax form for any stipend of $600 or higher.   

Contact Information

Questions about your eligibility? 

Contact the SEEPD team:

Questions about your registry account? 

Contact the Help Desk at Children’s Council: or 415.343.4669

Questions about your uploaded transcripts and documents?

Contact the CA ECE Workforce Registry (323) 645-2631 – Los Angeles

(855) 645-0826 – Toll Free or submit a request, and someone will get back to you shortly.